The stoke about wingfoiling (wingsurfing) is getting bigger and bigger and in this podcast Daniël will only talk about our new favorite sport.
Daniel has interviews with the most beloved instagram wingfoilers and asks them all kinds of questions. In our opinion, it is recommended to listen to the two episodes where Daniël talks with Roberto Ricci, the founder of RRD (Roberto Ricci Designs)
In the different podcast of Daniël everything is discussed:
How do you get started?
What wing foil set should you buy?
Where can you wingsurf?
Who is who?
There are several well-known names with whom Daniel speaks (in English) in the podcast:
Robby Naish
Balz Muller
Roberto Riccia
Klaas Voget
Annelous Lammerts
If you have any ideas or questions for interviews via the podcast Daniel is very approachable, you can contact us via instagram @degraffe
